Total no. of issues were reduced to 14 issues (previously 15 issues), and many issues were changed and re-scheduled.
Stamp week re-instate on issue no. 13 on 16 -21 -12-2020. The following six (6) issues are re-scheduled:1. Frontliner issue 8 on 27-10-2020 ( issue 7 on 29-09-2020)2. YDP Agong on 05-11-2020 ( 15-10-2020)3. 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law on 18-11-2020 (27-10-2020)4. King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian) issue no. 11 on 26-11-2020 (issue no.12 on 18-11-2020)5. The World Tallest Tree issue no. 12 on 03-12-2020 (issue no.11 on 05-11-2020)6. Malaysia Batik Series III on 29-12-2020 (17-12-2020) Sales dates to watch out:1. Putrajaya Iconic Building issue date is 29-08-200 but on sale to public on 22-09-20202. Malaysian Day 2020 issue date is 16-09-2020 but on sale to public on 29-09-2020 These issues were cancelled:1. Vanishing Trade issue no. 13 on 03-12-20202. Malaysian Pattern: issue no 15 scheduled on 29-12-2020.With the latest updates, I am looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:1. 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 20202. 27-10-2020: Frontliner3. 05-11-2020: YDP Agong4. 18-11-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law5. 26-11-2020: King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)6. 16 -21 -12-2020 - stamp weekAny favorites of these 2020 issues?