Sunday, November 22, 2020

2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 17-11-2020) revision no. 6

There were another revision in Oct 2020 but I have not reviewed it since too many tentative and variables. At the end the scheduled issues were delayed.

Number of issues reduced to 10 issues ( since last revision ), and many issues were changed and re-scheduled. 

From last blog, the following issues have been removed from the schedule:
1. Batik Malaysia
2. Stamp Week
3. YDP Agong
4. King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)

In current situation, I am still looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. 23-12-2020: Frontliner
2. 29-12-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law


Saturday, September 12, 2020

2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 07-09-2020)

Total no. of issues were reduced to 14 issues (previously 15 issues), and many issues were changed and re-scheduled. 

Stamp week re-instate on issue no. 13 on 16 -21 -12-2020.

The following six (6) issues are re-scheduled:
1. Frontliner issue 8 on 27-10-2020 ( issue 7 on 29-09-2020)
2. YDP Agong on 05-11-2020 ( 15-10-2020)
3. 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law on 18-11-2020 (27-10-2020)
4. King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian) issue no. 11 on 26-11-2020 (issue no.12 on 18-11-2020)
5. The World Tallest Tree issue no. 12 on 03-12-2020 (issue no.11 on 05-11-2020)
6. Malaysia Batik Series III on 29-12-2020 (17-12-2020)

Sales dates to watch out:
1. Putrajaya Iconic Building issue date is 29-08-200 but on sale to public on 22-09-2020
2. Malaysian Day 2020 issue date is 16-09-2020 but on sale to public on 29-09-2020

These issues were cancelled:
1. Vanishing Trade issue no. 13 on 03-12-2020
2. Malaysian Pattern: issue no 15 scheduled on 29-12-2020.

With the latest updates, I am looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 2020
2. 27-10-2020: Frontliner
3. 05-11-2020: YDP Agong
4. 18-11-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law
5. 26-11-2020: King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)
6. 16 -21 -12-2020 - stamp week

Any favorites of these 2020 issues?

Friday, August 28, 2020

MY2020-04 Rukun Negara 50 Years 1970-2020 (National Principles)

Rukun Negara was introduced at independent celebration on 31-08-1970.

Issue Date: 18/08/2020
Issue Serial No: MY2020-04
Denomination: Stamp 5x 60sen, mini RM 5.00
Designer: Kamarul Arifin bin Hassan, Pos Malaysia Berhad
Printer: Southern Colour Print, NZ, 
Issue Type: Commemorative
Theme: Institution

Rukun Negara
>Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
>Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
>Keluhuran perlembagaan
>Kedaulatan undang-undang
>Kesopanan dan kesusilaan

These principles are:
*Belief in God.
*Loyalty to the King and Country.
*Supremacy of the Constitution.
*Rules of Law.
*Courtesy and Morality




2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 18-07-2020)

Total no. of issues remained at 15 issues. 

Alert: Issue 5 Putrajaya Iconic issue date is 29-08-200 but on sale to public on 10-09-2020

The two issues are re-scheduled:
1. 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law: 14-09-2020 - issue no. 10 and scheduled on 27-10-2020 (issue no. 6 scheduled on 14-09-2020)
2. Malaysian Pattern: issue no 15 scheduled on 29-12-2020 (issue no 11 and scheduled on 27-10-2020).

Again, I am still looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 2020
2. 29-09-2020: Frontliner
3. 15-10-2020: YDP Agong
4. 14-09-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law
5. 18-11-2020: King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)

Any favorites of these 2020 issues?

Thursday, July 23, 2020

2020 Seni Khat Malaysia - Series 2

Denomination: Setem 60sen, 80sen, RM1.00, mini RM 3.00
Tarikh terbitan: 06/02/2020
Designer: Reign Associates Sdn Bhd
Printer: Southern Colour Print, NZ
Jenis terbitan: khas
Tema: kaligrafi







Thursday, July 16, 2020

2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 16-07-2020)

With half a year had passed, the Pos Malaysia issued a second revision on the 2020 tentative stamp issues schedule as displayed below. Four (4) issues had been added with one issue dropped to the heavily revised of 12 issues to becomes 15 issues.

The four (4) new issues are:
1. 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law: 14-09-2020
2. Frontliner: 29-09-2020
3. Malaysian Pattern: 27-10-2020
4. The World's Tallest Tree - Sabah (re-added): 05-11-2020

The re-scheduled issues are:
1. YDP Agong: 15-10-2020 (28-07-2020)
2. Rukun Negara 50 years:18-08-2020 (31-08-2020)

Expecting 3 issues for each month of September and October, and to be two issues for each month of August, November and December, respectively.

There are two issues close together between:
6th - 14-09-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law
7th - 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 2020

The issues changes and you need to be alert. Hopefully, the schedule is fixed as listed. 

With the balances of 2020 issues, I am looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. 18-08-2020 Rukun Negara 50 years
2. 14-09-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law
3. 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 2020
4. 29-09-2020: Frontliner
5. 15-10-2020: YDP Agong
6. 18-11-2020: King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)

Do you have favorites on the balance of 2020 issues?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Iconic Marine Life

Issue date: 18/06/2020
Issue type: National Definitive
Issue Serial No: MY2020-02
Denomination: RM1.30, RM1.40, RM1.50, RM1.70, RM1.90, Mini RM5.00
Designer: K.Y.Lim,Reign Associates Sdn Bhd
Printer: Southern Colour Print, NZ
Theme: Fauna

The designs are:
1. RM1.30 stamp: Penyu Karah (Hawksbill Turtle)
2. RM1.40 stamp: Lumba-lumba Putih (Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin)
3. RM1.50 stamp: Yu Paus (Whale Shark)
4. RM1.70 stamp: Kima Besar (Small Giant Clam)
5. RM1.90 stamp: Dugong
6. RM5 Miniature Sheet: Penyu Karah (Hawksbill Turtle)

The first issue after the Movement Control Order (MCO) ended on 10 June 2020, and also being the first issue in Recovery Movement Control Order period.






Saturday, June 13, 2020

Revised 2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 11-06-2020)

Pos Malaysia issue a revised the 2020 tentative stamp issues schedule as displayed below. It have been revised heavily from original planned at 18 issues and now cut down to 12 issues, due to Movement Control Order (MCO) that had started from March 18, 2020 to handle the pandemic Covid-19 spreading in Malaysia and all around the world.

The cancelled issues are:
1. Visit Malaysia Year 2020
2. APEC 2020 Malaysia
3. Hidden Treasure of Malaysia - Island
4. Malaysia Street Art Series
5. The World's Tallest Tree - Sabah
6. Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa - Series II
7. Historical Literature - UNESCO

Original stamp schedule 2020

There is one (1) new issue added:
Rukun Negara 50 years scheduled on 31-08-2020 (i.e. the National Day issue)
Revised stamp schedule 11-06-2020

Hopefully, the issues would went well as planned. I am looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. Definitive issue: Iconic Marine Life: 18-06-2020
2. YDP Agong: 28-07-2020
3. Rukun Negara 50 years: 31-08-2020
4. Hari Malaysia: 16-09-2020
5. Stamp week: 20-25 Oct 2020
6. Durian: 18-11-2020

What is your expectation? Were they same as mine?