Friday, August 28, 2020

MY2020-04 Rukun Negara 50 Years 1970-2020 (National Principles)

Rukun Negara was introduced at independent celebration on 31-08-1970.

Issue Date: 18/08/2020
Issue Serial No: MY2020-04
Denomination: Stamp 5x 60sen, mini RM 5.00
Designer: Kamarul Arifin bin Hassan, Pos Malaysia Berhad
Printer: Southern Colour Print, NZ, 
Issue Type: Commemorative
Theme: Institution

Rukun Negara
>Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
>Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
>Keluhuran perlembagaan
>Kedaulatan undang-undang
>Kesopanan dan kesusilaan

These principles are:
*Belief in God.
*Loyalty to the King and Country.
*Supremacy of the Constitution.
*Rules of Law.
*Courtesy and Morality




2020 Tentative Stamp Issue Schedule (updated 18-07-2020)

Total no. of issues remained at 15 issues. 

Alert: Issue 5 Putrajaya Iconic issue date is 29-08-200 but on sale to public on 10-09-2020

The two issues are re-scheduled:
1. 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law: 14-09-2020 - issue no. 10 and scheduled on 27-10-2020 (issue no. 6 scheduled on 14-09-2020)
2. Malaysian Pattern: issue no 15 scheduled on 29-12-2020 (issue no 11 and scheduled on 27-10-2020).

Again, I am still looking forward to these issues for which I think would be favorites to collectors:
1. 16-09-2020: Malaysia Day 2020
2. 29-09-2020: Frontliner
3. 15-10-2020: YDP Agong
4. 14-09-2020: 125 Years the Establishment of the Johor State Government Law
5. 18-11-2020: King of Fruit in Malaysia (Durian)

Any favorites of these 2020 issues?